We have a GO FUND ME page to enrich the Year 6 London Trip and we need sponsors - spread the word!


At Penryn Primary Academy, we pride ourselves in offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities. It is our intention to provide children with the opportunity to explore different sports and activities with the hope of children finding a passion which will remain with them for life. 
We run many sporting clubs and the children have been given a wide range to choose from throughout the year. 
We are part of a league within the Penryn Partnership, where our children get the opportunity to represent our school and play competitive games against other local schools.
During recent terms we have added clubs such as art, crafts, story club and many more, our children have said they love the range of extra-curricular activities on offer, including swimming, forest school, art, and sports clubs. They strongly believe that our after-school clubs are an essential part of school life.

Penryn Primary Academy
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