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Design Technology

The intent of our Design and Technology curriculum is to develop and broaden children’s capability in designing, making and evaluating a range of products linked to their curriculum. At Penryn Primary Academy, we view Design and Technology as a subject which allows children to learn different making skills and then to apply their knowledge and understanding in a creative way to their own products.

We aim to:

-          Give children the opportunity to design their own product

-          Apply different skills to a product we create

-          Experimenting and improving upon the products we make and then evaluating them.

-          Learn about the importance of nutrition, creating a balanced meal and cooking skills.

-          Beginning to explore, evaluate and research a range of existing products to inform their own design.

-          Understand how key events and individuals in Design and Technology have helped shape the world.

Nursery and Reception

In EYFS, we teach the children the building blocks to handling equipment safely in order to make their own creations. They are taught to hold scissors correctly, cutting along a line accurately and in cooking, teaching them the foundation to being safe and hygienic: wearing aprons, using a knife, rolling out with a rolling pin, etc.

Year 1

In Year 1, children are taught to use materials to make known objects for a purpose. The skills that are covered include: making simple joins, carving, pinching, curling, rolling and slabs using a modelling media, folding, and using split pins to make models. They are then given opportunities the rest of the academic year to master taught skills while considering the implications of their products and whether they can use them effectively.

Year 2

In Year 2, children are beginning to make products linked to an intended purpose such as salt dough decorations for Christmas. They learn to shape and mold to create an appealing shape. They evaluate different variations of a product before creating their own, relating to the way wheels and axels work. They are taught to evaluate what they make and how they can be improved. They learn that food has a source whether it be farmed, grown or caught.

Year 3

In Year 3, children look at the history and impact of the winding mechanism before building their winding mechanism. They evaluate a range of patterns before designing and creating their own. They embark on a long term project in the summer term of applying appropriate cooking techniques and skills to safely create their balanced and nutritious meal.

Year 4

In Year 4, they research a range of products before designing, making and evaluating their own. They cut their materials accurately and safely with a range of tools before safely combining the materials together for their Anglo Saxon huts. When making their product, they consider how to make their product aesthetic, appealing and effective such as their Viking brooches. The children also learn how to prepare and cook for a healthy picnic, ensuring that it is a balanced meal.

Year 5

In Year 5, children investigate and design a product with a moving mechanism, delving into the history and impact before taking apart the mechanisms to see how they work. When they have made their product, they learn to identify and describe the purpose of products and explain how parts of their product will work. They also use a combination of materials to design, make and evaluate the design and appearance of a product linked to a series of criteria. They learn how to apply appropriate cutting and shaping techniques. They measure ingredients using scales and prepare ingredients using the appropriate utensils by following a recipe.

Year 6

Year 6 learn to strengthen and reinforce using appropriate materials and techniques for their WWII Anderson shelters. They also look into using alternative sources of energy to power a product. They know how to prepare and cook a variety of savoury dishes and can combine ingredients appropriately. They learn to measure ingredients to the nearest gram and millilitres. They understand seasonality to create and refine a recipe, including ingredients, methods, cooking times and temperatures.

Penryn Primary Academy
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