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Our ICT-rich environment gives children the confidence and  skills they need to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving and changing technological world. Our computing curriculum gives the children a solid understanding of online safety while also giving them the skills they will need in the workplace of the future.

Our intent for children’s learning across Computing is mapped into three strands, dividing this broad subject into 3 main areas that build progressively throughout a child’s time in our school.


  •          Computer Science: Programming, including Controlling Hardware              
  •          Technology: Computer Systems & Contexts
  •          Digital Literacy: Using computer systems to present work and E-Safety



Starting in our 2 year old room, the children access the interactive whiteboard for mark making and drawing. Nursery also enjoy creating digital images using the interactive whiteboard.


In Reception, Computing is part of Understanding the World. Reception pupils access computing through use of the interactive whiteboard. Reception children start to think about the very basics of computer programming by starting to learn to solve problems.

Year 1

In year 1 pupils learn about different aspects of a computer, how to use a computer to create and edit text and images.  The children start to learn the basics of coding and how to move a character using Scratch Junior. 

Year 2

In year 2 we start to identify information technology beyond school and how to use it safely. The children  at different devices that can be used to take photographs and think about how images can be changed and improved. Music is linked to computing  using a computer to make, refine and save a piece of music.

Year 3

In Year 3, the children build upon the skills learned on their journey through KS1. 

They look at a sequence of coding and think about how to de-bug a program. They continue to learn about how to stay  safe on-line.


Year 4

In year 4 we think about how the internet is a network of computers joined together. We describe how we can access information from the World Wide Web. We continue to develop our programming skills and knowledge  thinking about adding variables to our programming. We think about digital images and audio and how these can be changed and edited.

Year 5

In Year 5, The children have opportunities to write and de-bug programs for specific goals. They continue to learn how to use technology safely and identify ways to report concerns about content and contact.

Year 6

In Year 6 our pupils have the opportunity to program Micro-Bits They introduce more complex variables  into their coding using the Micro Bits The children investigate how to use a search engine and think about  how search engines select and rank results.. They look at the features of different websites. They learn how to communicate responsibly by considering what should and should not be shared on the internet.

Penryn Primary Academy
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