We have a GO FUND ME page to enrich the Year 6 London Trip and we need sponsors - spread the word!

Extra-curricular Clubs

KS1 & KS2 - TT Rockstars
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice - each week concentrates on a different times table.

This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 12,000 schools - both primary and secondary - worldwide.
Each class will take part in at least one TT session per week - logins are given to children so they can even play it at home!
Sporting Clubs at Penryn Primary Academy
At Penryn Primary Academy, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of extra-curricular activities. It is our intention to provide children with the opportunity to explore different sports and activities with the hope of children finding a passion which will remain with them for life. 
We offered 21 different sporting clubs during 2019/2020 and many more since covid restrictions lifted! Recently our children had the opportunity to play against other local schools in activities such as basketball, football and netball.
During recent terms we have added clubs such as art, crafts, story club and many more, our children have said love the range of extra-curricular activities on offer, including swimming, forest school, art, and sports clubs. They strongly believe that after-school clubs are an essential part of school life.
All equipment will be provided and there will be no cost for attending. For more information on available clubs contact hello@penrynprimary.org
Please visit the Arbor App, where you can see what clubs are available for your child and book their space. Please contact the school office if you need support with this.

Reading Karate

This is a fantastic incentive that we, as a school, are very excited about. We hope that it will encourage your child to read at home and help them to achieve different coloured wristbands.



White 15 reads
Yellow 30 reads
Orange 50 reads
Blue 70 reads
Purple 90 Reads
Brown 120 reads
Black 150 Reads

It is your child’s responsibility to write their reads into their yellow reading record and to show it to their class teacher.

Your child should be reading a minimum of 4 pages to count as one read.

Only 1 read will be counted per day.

Parents MUST sign each read in the reading record.


How it works:

When your child has achieved 15 reads they will need to show their yellow reading record to their class teacher who will then present them with a white wristband.

When they have read a further 15 times they will show their yellow reading record to their class teacher again. The class teacher will then swap the white wristband for a yellow one. This will continue until your child achieves their black wristband.

Once your child has achieved their black wristband they will start the process again (black/white, black/yellow etc.) but they keep their black wristband.

At the end of the academic year your child will be able to keep any black wristband that they have achieved.

Penryn Primary Academy
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