We have a GO FUND ME page to enrich the Year 6 London Trip and we need sponsors - spread the word!

The Forest School & Outdoor Learning Team

Miss Hamsphire

Forest School & Outdoor Learning Lead

Miss French

Forest School & Outdoor Learning Assistant

Forest School is run by Miss Hampshire who is a level 3 qualified Forest School Practitioner. Our Forest School Assistant is Miss French who is also a qualified teacher. 
At Penryn we are proud to offer Outdoor Learning/Forest School to every child fortnightly.
Forest School is a practice that gives young people the opportunity for self-development through natural play and positive outdoor experiences that promote the importance of nature and the environment. 
Our aims are for every young person to find or strengthen their connection with nature and nurture a lifelong appreciation and respect for the environment.
Help them develop a genuine love of learning, supported by an understanding of what makes them tick and knowledge of how they can drive their own interests and strengths.

Penryn Primary Academy
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